For courses in Research Methods in Political Science and Sociology, and in Qualitative Research Methods Raising questions, rather than giving answers Qualitative Research Methods for the Social S…
Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, Third Edition provides researchers and students with a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. Joseph A. Maxwell sh…
Qualitative research has seen a surge of growth during the past decade. This is in large part because positivist approaches have not yielded the kinds of results that had been anticipated, and more…
Qualitative Research is changing as a result of postmodern influences which have changed the way research is interpreted and understood. This has prompted questions which have been knocking at the …
Narratives in Social Science Research introduces students to the use of narrative methodology as a research tool. It offers a rigorous framework for the application of these devices within qualitat…
Fundamentals of Qualitative Research approaches qualitative inquiry as a strategically selected composite of genres, elements, and styles. Saldaña, author of the bestselling book, The Coding Manua…