The much anticipated fourth edition of Craig Deegans Financial Accounting Theory delivers authoritative and completely up to date material with the discussion of both existing theories and newer th…
This timely guide to Islamic financial practice is aimed at banking professionals and corporate investors worldwide. With similarities to 'ethical investment' in the West, Islamic investment is bas…
This book details the difference between the two rating industries, but this difference is converging all the time. The concept of investing in a more responsible and sustainable manner is drawing …
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research publishes high-quality research encompassing all areas of accounting, including financial, auditing, taxation, managerial, and information systems, addres…
This highly relevant study provides an incisive analysis of a critical phase in recent East Asian financial history, exploring the underlying causes of the financial crisis that struck Indonesia du…
An introductory guide to the world of finance The Basics of Finance is an accessible book for those who want to gain a better understanding of this field, but lack a strong business background. It…
This book discusses the socio-legal tax state and its relationship to development, inequality and the transnational. 'Fiscal Sociology' commenced in 1918 when Joseph A. Schumpeter examined the link…
Malcolm Smith's Research Methods in Accounting provides a useful addition to the limited number of books on research methods that are addressed specifically to the area of accounting. For students …
The business world needs to follow developments in the areas of accounting, auditing and finance in order to be able to adapt to globalization, technological advances and changing human needs. This…
The book, Accounting Theory and Practice, is intended to provide students with a contemporary and comprehensive course of study in accounting theory and practice. Financial accounting and theory ha…