Facebook,Blog, Web 2.0, Wikipedia, Social Networking, Mobile Marketing, Experiential Marketing, Offline dan Online Community. Many-to-Many Marketing.Itulah istilah-istilah yang belakangan marak dal…
"Depuis la parution de Marketing 3.0, l'ouvrage de référence qui a conduit de nombreux professionnels à s'engager sur le chemin du marketing axé sur l'humain, les spécialistes du marketing ont…
Facebook,Blog, Web 2.0, Wikipedia, Social Networking, Mobile Marketing, Experiential Marketing, Offline dan Online Community. Many-to-Many Marketing.Itulah istilah-istilah yang belakangan marak dal…
Marketing has changed forever—this is what comes next Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital is the much-needed handbook for next-generation marketing. Written by the world's leading …